Will LP in uniswap be beneficial to project transaction activity?

comparing balancer and uniswap, what do you think about it?

Uniswap can tap into its wide resources of users.

There’s an Uniswap pool opened, that said, me personally I prefer Balancer in the short term. Even weighted pools such as unis v2/3 are good for tokens for assets that are expected to remain proportional in value in the long run. The token is still pretty young and makes sense that still needs to balance itself, price variance is big and a 80/20 reduces impermanent loss (which was HUGE first days, making lp’s lose money).
Another reason is that founders and DAO haven’t sold any single token, so a 50/50 pool has a strong limit in the amount of ether to provide, that is way easier in 80/20 while maintaining low slippage for most trades users are making. For whales granted that 50/50 is better, but we are not there yet. We will tho.

It’s true that Uniswap could have more usage, that said, most people can access balancer through CowSwap, Matcha or 1inch as well. Those services will give them the best liquidity, whether that is in Uniswap or Balancer or Sushi

Just so you have more info: Uniswap Info, that’s Uni’s pool info


good, it makes sense

Great view,

I aggree to this.