How to Use SAFE Tokens in Obsolete Multisig?

Since Nation3 is decentralizing its governance structure, we will no longer be using a centralized multisig for controlling smart contracts and handling funds.

And now that we have finished transferring smart contract ownership to Aragon OSx DAO Agents, the multisig at is obsolete and will no longer be used.

The only thing left of value on the old multisig are the 2,851.83 SAFE tokens.

If the Safe{DAO} were to unpause transfers of their governance tokens, how should the Nation3 DAO use these tokens?

Here are some ideas:

  1. Keep the tokens in the Nation3 DAO for voting on Safe{DAO} proposals.
  2. Swap for ETH and deposit to the Nation3 DAO’s treasury.
  3. Swap for ETH and distribute as Basic Income for Nation3 citizens.
  4. Swap for ETH and split 50%/50% between the Nation3 DAO’s treasury and Basic Income for Nation3 citizens.